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[Moves] Jump Kicks do not cause Crash damage when used against two-turn semi-invulnerable moves like Fly

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When using Jump Kick or High Jump Kick during the opponent's semi-invulnerable turn of moves like Fly, the user takes no crash damage.



- Two players.

- Player A has any Pokémon with High Jump Kick.

- Player B has any Pokémon with Fly.


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Both players fight each other.

2. Player B uses Fly.

3. Player A uses High Jump Kick before Player B's Fly lands.


Current Result:

Player A's Pokémon takes no crash damage.


Expected Result:

Player A's Pokémon loses 50% of its health as crash damage.



- This issue was tested with both Jump Kick and High Jump Kick, but only against Dig and Dive. It is assumed to occur for all other two-turn semi-invulnerable moves.

- This issue does not occur against moves like Protect


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