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When using Outrage, Thrash or Petal Dance, the user is locked into the move for 2-3 turns. If any of the hits fail, the move should end and allow the use of any different move. However, against most interractions, the Pokemon will still be locked into Outrage, and the number of turns locked into it may also increase.


Prerequisites (for testing):

- Two players

- Player A has any Pokemon with Outrage

- Player B has a weak Pokemon and a fast Pokemon with Disable.


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Both players fight each other.

2. Player B starts with the weak pokemon.

3. Player A KOs the weak Pokemon with Outrage.

4. Player B sends his or her Disable Pokemon.

5. Player B uses Disable.


Current Result:

Player A is locked into Outrage and is unable to attack or switch until Player B KOs the Outrage pokemon or stops using Disable.


Expected Result:

Player A is no longer locked into Outrage and can use a different move.



- This issue has been tested for both Outrage and Thrash. It is assumed to also occur for Petal Dance.

- The number of turns for Thrash has been found to increase for Disable or missing against the semi-invulnerable turn of moves like Fly and Dig. Disable, in particular, is able to infinitely lock a player into an unsuccessful Outrage.

- The pokemon is still locked if it fails because of the opponent being immune or using Protect/Detect. However, the number of turns do not increase.

- Even if the initial hit misses due to the two cases above, the Pokemon still becomes locked into Outrage.

- The moves correctly end when interrupted by falling asleep or when the move misses due to accuracy/evasion changes.


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