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Im pretty many of you are tired of seeing this, Okay first. I know the admins devs and the team in general are working as hard as they can whilst being beaten to death by corporate demand. Its just that a game like this has many different players (well over 2000) who wish to play this game. I know it might be a bit much to ask because of money problems it costs money to host servers. But just a suggestion maybe a second server could be added so that more players are given the opportunity to play. I myself have enjoyed the very little time I get to play this game, and I must say, the amount of effort put into this is astounding. The main reason for me posting this is because I want others to experience this as much as I have. I know that lots of people would disagree with adding another server, I don't know whether this has already been discussed elsewhere or that it has been considered a fair bit. Thanks anyway for this game and it really has helped me get back into the pokemon franchise. Thanks for your time.


(PS Ive had no luck in catching that Corphish let alone a shiny Corphish :Frown: )

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there is one, you got kicked after 7-8 mins :)

Source? And is it different if you donated?


Some time ago I walked around the grass to get a good pikachu in the forest, there were people afk there for well over 30m,


My solution is to make the timer dynamic, if the server is 1600-1800 you're kicked after 10m afk, drops in minutes the less that are online, if less than half is online, timer won't kick you for afk'ing.

82426 I feel the more people will support the project by donating, the more likely server upgrade will be. Servers are expensive, it is useless to whine here


im not gonna give my money somewhere i cant even play the game at all for a full day. When they up the server slots and make it more accesible i might contemplate getting MS.

82462 So spamming the Login button actually works? Been trying 30min now...

Now I managed to log in but I am stuck on the ''Who are you?'' introduction where I have to choose my style which doesn't let me pick any.

Is this a known issue should i relog again or just w8 at this screen?

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