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EGGS as boss reward?


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Hi ya all, how is everyone doing?


I believe there will be EGG rewards in the future updates but I want to know so much more on them!

My questions:


1) Is EGG a item in my bag or take a space in my team slots/ PC boxes?

2) is EGG different from one another, as in colour and size? (shiny/ collectiables)

3) Is EGG able to hatch random pokemons or certain EGG hatchs certain pokemon? (scyther egg = baby scyther)

4) Is EGG hatch via travelling or via some NPC with a fee?

5) Is EGG tradeable with other players or can it be exchanged for other items?

6) Is EGG hatching requires certain abilities or travelling step in-game? (FLAME BODY)

7) Is EGG hatchlings, different from wild spawns? Like, do they have EGG-MOVE already?

I am just a casual player, travelling around the regions, catching and hunting pokemons I find likeable~

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Hi ya all, how is everyone doing?


I believe there will be EGG rewards in the future updates but I want to know so much more on them!

My questions:


1) Is EGG a item in my bag or take a space in my team slots/ PC boxes?

2) is EGG different from one another, as in colour and size? (shiny/ collectiables)

3) Is EGG able to hatch random pokemons or certain EGG hatchs certain pokemon? (scyther egg = baby scyther)

4) Is EGG hatch via travelling or via some NPC with a fee?

5) Is EGG tradeable with other players or can it be exchanged for other items?

6) Is EGG hatching requires certain abilities or travelling step in-game? (FLAME BODY)

7) Is EGG hatchlings, different from wild spawns? Like, do they have EGG-MOVE already?


Hi !

As stated, EGGs should be added with the next boss revamp and obtainbale as rewards.


However, there is not an estimated time, and there are yet no news about how them will hatch, how the egg system will be coded and how it will work.


The only known info are the following (quoting from the boss revamp thread linked below):


- Eggs will be sync- and tradable.

- You will probably be able to buy eggs with PvE Coins.

- Eggs will be named after the Pokemon that's in the egg, so it's not mysterious at all (Charmander Egg for example).



For further info about the boss revamp you can read > THIS LINK < , as stated above by hahahaka.


When EGGs will be added and boss revamped, an announce will be done on the > OFFICIAL PRO Discord < and all the complete info will be published on the forum.


I know this doesn't answer to your questions but i hope it will be helpful, since there are yet no news about the EGGs.


Have a great day.

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