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Do you know if the PRO STAFF will announce when it`s all up nad running?:) new in here , so just wanna know if thy´re used to do that


I would like to inform you that you can keep an eye out in the #announcement channel of > OFFICIAL PRO Discord < to be notified when everything will be fixed and the servers online..


However, just to inform you, it has just been comunicated that the servers are booting up and are now online.


Remember that, in order to access the game, when the servers will be online, you will have to download a new client that you can find > HERE <


Hope this can help, have a great day !

Do you know if the PRO STAFF will announce when it`s all up nad running?:) new in here , so just wanna know if thy´re used to do that

You can download the latest client from below:

1. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/download.php

2: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?resources/categories/client-download-links.4/


And servers are UP now and if you get any bug then feel free report on forum


IGN: Arlon

Discord: Arlon#0001


Servers are online. Client downloads are available.


Have a good day!


Kind regards

- Nebulas


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Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team

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