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some Battle Bugs , please fix for next Season



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Block ist still bugged (9.1.2016) , wont let change pokemon even tho the pokemon who used Block switched out.

Similar Moves that works the same way needs to be checked too.









-Fire Spin

-Sand Tomb




Giving same holdable Items to Pokemon multiple Times in Battle Team shouldnt be allowed.



Some Kind of Sleep Clause is needed in ranked Battles. Excessive Use of Falling Asleep moves is now in higher Tier Rankings. Especially Spore which has 100% chance to hit.

In handhelds Tournament Battles for example its only allowed to make 1 pokemon sleep at same Time.




thats all on my List at the Moment but might add some more bugs soon :)

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I'm sure they will eventually add clauses to pvp battles. But the seasonal tournaments will probably take some time for them to decide which clauses they want to be in effect each season. I'm sure they will want to come up with their own set of clauses to use in the seasonal tournament insted of copy/pasting other sets.


Untill then, use whats available to you. Sleep is a big selling point in pvp when you can use it non-stop. So you might as well join them untill clauses are added.

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