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Can't get out of the battle tower after loosing to cynthia


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The officer I have to talk to be4 gng out is not present. Can't get out


Hi @rajkkapadia !


I would like to inform you that this bug should have been fixed with the last client update days ago.


Please try the following procedure to see if this should fix your issue:

  • Delete PRO Client/Application and all the files (.rar /.apk included)
  • Delete all the related/remaining files of PRO (e.g temporary files), you can use a free software like Ccleaner to do that in the easiest way. Also, if you have a smartphone, restart it.
  • Download the latest and most updated client from PRO WEBSITE DOWNLOAD PAGE


Also, if this should not fix your issue, to get out from there try the following options:

  • Use an Escape Rope
  • Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter. (You can fight a friend b
  • Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar
  • Log out, and then back in
  • Close the whole client and start PRO again

Let it know here if you have been able to fix your issue.

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