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2018 PRO Christmas Event Pokemon


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As You Can See, The Christmas Event Is Out And A Lot Of You Have Been Asking "What Pokes Are Xmas" or "What Can I Catch". So Here Is What You Can Catch/Obtain.


New 2018 Christmas Pokemon/Forms

~ Riolu & Lucario

~ Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken

~ Mudkip, Marshstomp & Swampert

~ Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile

~ Mareep, Flaffy & Ampharos

~ Snorunt, Glalie & Froslass If Female

~ Axew, Fraxure & Haxorus

~ Vulpix & Ninetales

~ Dedenne


2017 Christmas Pokemon/Forms That Are Catchable This Year

~ Eevee & All Its Evolutions.

~ Dratini, Dragonair & Dragonite

~ Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir Or Gallade If Male

~ Litwick, Lampent & Chandelure


1/1000 Chance For The New Ones And Ones That Were Voted For.

2017 Christmas Pokemon/Forms That Are Catchable This Year

~ Snover & Abomasnow

~ Skitty & Delcatty

~ Pikachu & Raichu

~ Sandshrew & Sandslash

~ Bunneary & Lopunny

~ Farfetch'd

~ Stantler

~ Teddiursa & Ursaring

~ Swablu & Altaria

~ Munchlax & Snorlax

~ Sentret & Furret


1/1500 Chance For The Old Xmas Pokes


You Can Check The Forms In The Pokedex By Clicking The Pokemon's Sprite, If You Have The Dex Of Course

Happy Hunting (:

Edited by Necro
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