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Hi everybody!

The goal of this topic is to inventory all the shiny pokemon that you have found on PRO :Cool:

I make this topic because i'm shiny hunter on cartridge and shiny is the most beautiful pokemon's invention :Grin:

I specify that it's only a census and not a topic in order to trade your shinys, it's just for our eyes :Shy: (so, put a photo :) )





Edit: Sorry for my very bad english, don't hesitate to tell me if i have done any mistakes :)

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85997 Hey you, good luck with your hunt ;)

The only uncommon shiny I've had so far was a Ledyba, which I've sold so I can't really show any photo.

No need to mention my caterpie as it's super common (like zubat)

si, mention all your shiny, they are rare and beautiful :D try to take photo ;)

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