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Hi guys,


I'm currently trying to make my proper team in pro. I'd like to do :

Gengar, blaziken, starmie and gardevoir as sweepers, umbreon as cleric and togekiss as a staller.


I'm quite a newbie in truly competitive fights, so i was wondering if together i could go somewhere with that, any advice should be good to take :)


Thanks & bye !

(I cant find Aromatherapy either).


Hm, i was thinking then making an "annoyer" umbreon, with toxic/confuse Ray, making my team around Gengar (with hex):

Togekiss with Thunder wave and Air Slash...?


I don't know, i either haven't enough knowledge about team fight synergy ^^

But i think if i can't make my umbreon a cleric, i'll replace one of the sweepers by another one :o

86096 Blaziken isn't available, but egg moves soon will be, so your umbreon will work after the next update :)


If this is true it heavily changes my team building at the moment. Where did you find that information about eggs moves in the next patch ?

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