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Hello all i hope you guys are doing good and having a good christmas season so far , im going to be honest this new guild forum work will take time to learn but i will update it alot , just wanted yall to know my new Guild Aquatis Immortals are now recruiting we have our discord server established being updated daily only requirments is to join is you must be active and respect one another .


Ign mrchronic

Discord name mrchronic#0400





Why you want to join?

Will you be loyal and talkative?


Discord name?


I want to join so that i can find a commumity to be with in PRO.

I will be loyal & i will be as talkative as i can.

I am a very active player.

My dicord Name: HDManson

My PRO Ign: Feed12994

Add me in discord MrChronic420#3917 and hop online and ill send invite

Why you want to join? I want more to socialize un PRO

Will you be loyal and talkative?I am loyal abd very talkative love to chat with others Active?I am active player this is my new account on last accoubt i had around 500 hours

Discord name?Slejd#5695


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