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When using Giga Impact, the attack hits. Then instead of missing only one turn, it causes all the turns after the attack to be skipped for the user.


Video of what is happening:


Hello there! I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I can't seem to replicate this bug. Could you try doing a clean installation of the game?

Follow the steps below to do so:

- Delete PRO Client/Application and all the files (.rar /.apk included)

- Delete all the related/remaining files of PRO (e.g temporary files), you can use a free software like Ccleaner to do that in the easiest way.

- Restart your device.

- Download the latest and most updated client from pro website HERE.

Let me know if this fixes the bug.

With Deep Regards. - Aghanim.

PRO Rules -- Punishment Policy -- General Support -- How to Report

Do not contact staff members for private support.

Use the appropriate forum to help others having the issue too.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late response, as I've been busy. I still have the problem, even after the latest update, which I had to delete everything and install just to run it as I play on Android. As for replicating this, maybe try it on mobile as well and battle a trainer with the giga impact snorlax, or something. Thank you for the help, in the meantime I'll just hope for the giga impact to KO when I find the perfect chance to use it.

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