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bug rocky helmet


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I couldnt take screenshot but i played 2 ranked battles where my mixed-attacker infernape was affected by rocky helmet while using a special move.

overheat agaisnt an amoongus+rocky helmet


gass knot agaisnt a slowbro+rocky helmet


Pls solve this problem :c

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I couldnt take screenshot but i played 2 ranked battles where my mixed-attacker infernape was affected by rocky helmet while using a special move.

overheat agaisnt an amoongus+rocky helmet


gass knot agaisnt a slowbro+rocky helmet


Pls solve this problem :c


Hello there, @Soberbia


Sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. After seeing your report, I tried reproducing the whole scenario you explained above, but with not that much of a success. Let me remind you once again what Rocky Helmet item does:

ROCKY HELMET: If the holder of this item takes damage, the attacker will also be damaged upon



Overheat is not a contact move after Generation III (Three), therefore they shouldn't trigger Rocky Helmet.

I would appreciate if you could provide me with a video of the said move triggering Rocky helmet, so that I can forward this as a bug. For now, the evidence is insufficient and I cannot do anything more about it. As for Grass Knot, it is a contact move as you may see in the guide I linked above, so it's normal for Rocky helmet to recoil damage to the user.


Looking forward for any news from you regarding this topic. Have a good day!

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