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Love Is Fickle

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Yet another Valentine's Day is upon us. This means love is in the air, and tasty chocolate in our bellies. And ofcourse, another event with cool rewards!




Raffle will happen on February 22nd, around 19:00 CET/12:00 CST! Good luck to all participants!


On Sunday, February 17th at 21:00 CET for Gold server and 23:00 CET for Silver server, you will have the chance to meet a staff member ingame, and depending on what they request from you, have a chance to win rewards! More details about rules, rewards and requirements below:



  • Shortly before the designated time, type /cgjoin LoveIsFickle to join our special event chatroom! There everything be explained before we start.
  • A staff member will be stationed on Route 25 for approximately 1 hour. Every 10 minutes, the staff member will request something different from you randomly. First player that completes the task given before the staff member makes the next request will be eligible to enter a raffle for the rewards!
  • The staff member will request one of the two different things from players at random. You will be able to know which request it is by paying attention to the event chat. Depending on the request, the staff member will post a different clue. The possible requests are:
    • 1. Write a love "letter": If the staff member posts a clue in Local chat that points to them wanting a love letter, you will need to think of a love "letter" that rhymes, and fits in one sentence. Most creative ones will win, here it doesnt matter when you complete the request, as long as it is within the given time limit of 10 minutes. How to complete the request: Simply send a mail with the title "Love Letter" that contains your "letter" to the staff member.
    • 2. Battle: If the staff asks for a battle through their clue, you will need to challenge that staff to a battle! However, you will not need to actually fight, simply send a battle request, while standing next to the staff member. You will know if Battle was the correct choice if the staff member posts it in Local chat.

    [*]ALL the requests will be in random order! For example, the staff member may request "Battle" or "Letter" in that order, or the requests may be 2 "Battle", 2 "Letter" and so on, or the requests may even be all of the same type. That is why you will need to pay extra attention to the clues.

    [*]The clues will not be the same for each type of request! For example, two battle request clues will be completely different from each other.

    [*]You have only one try per request! So think carefully, you can not try again if you get the request wrong. You will be allowed to participate in the next request though.

    [*]If you have already failed the request and still keep spamming the staff member with PMs, battle or trade requests, you will be DISQUALIFIED. Same goes for anyone who tries to spam the staff member with mails, battle or trade requests.



  • Rainbow Badge is required in order to be able to send mail.
  • Remember, sending mail costs 2,000 Pokedollars, so be prepared!


  • Winners of all the rounds from both servers will enter a raffle with awesome prizes! Rewards in the raffle will be:
    • Valentine's Day form Pokemon of choice X3(meaning 3 different people will win a Valentine's Pokemon, not one person 3 Pokemon)
    • IV Reroll Ticket X3(same as the Pokemon, three people will win one Ticket each)
    • Coin Capsule X3(again, three different people will win a Coin Capsule each)
    • Small Membership Medallion X3(naturally, 3 separate medallions that will be won by 3 separate people, like the other rewards)

    [*]If you enter the raffle and win something, your name will be excluded from the next drawing of names. Meaning, you can not win multiple rewards in the raffle.

    [*]The Valentine's Day form Pokemon will be RANDOMLY GENERATED, regardless of your choice. You may choose an already evolved form, but keep in mind that it will be low leveled.


Q: How do i participate? Do i need to complete all four regions in order to be able to complete every request?

A: To participate, simply join the above mentioned chatroom before the event starts! Everything will be explained before it begins. And no, you do not need to complete the entire storyline to fully participate in the event. In fact, you do not even need to complete the entire Kanto region! Every request will be doable for all players that reached and defeated the Celadon City gym.

Q: Can i win more than one reward in the raffle?

A: No, if you win something in the raffle, you can not win anything more.

Q: I don't have the Rainbow Badge yet! What do i do?

A: Worry not, you still have 3 days to obtain the badge.

Q: Can i retry the request if i get it wrong?

A: No, you can not retry the same request. However, you can try to complete the next request!

Q: If i win a Valentine's day form Pokemon of choice, can i choose any Pokemon, including an evolved Pokemon? Can i choose the stats of my Pokemon?

A: Yes, you can choose an already evolved Pokemon, for example a Jellicent. However, it will be low-leveled. And no,the Pokemon will be completely randomly generated.

Q: If i win, when will i receive my reward? When will the raffle happen?

A: The raffle's date and time will be mentioned after the event is over, we will try to do the raffle as soon as possible. If we come to a position where we can not stream the raffle, we will record the raffle and post the video on Youtube.

Q: How many requests in total will there be?

A: There will be 6 requests per server. Each request will have the time limit of 10 minutes for completion.

Edited by Eyebeam
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