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What does "epic" mean?


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So I when i look at trade channel, I always see someone selling their epic pokemons


people selling epic this, epic that, but when i check the pokemons, turns out it isn't very good


so what do you guys think? what are the conditions for a pokemon, to be considered epic? :Grin:



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EPIC = Good nature, Good ability, Pokemon for PvP with 20+ all lines, and between 27/31 in the 2 better stats


like : l8KlQiG.png?1


or 7b7e340f13.jpg


But this pinsir is more "Semi-Epic" than Epic


Many people say epic in trade channel, but they are just liar ^^


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Can't argue w/ that man. Let's just say not all players have the same taste of epic(poke) as yours. Not all players who call epic on a pokemon(but not for others) are liars some of them are newbies, telling it epic coz they think it's hard to get.


Best thing to do is just ignore them, rather waste your time questioning they're pokes rarity.


P.s. i feel you man.. sometimes players spams epic(e-fake) poke. ex. Epic <azumaril>l(31atkadamant, yet the ability is thick fat). It burns my eyes.





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I would say what Piwali said is about spot on on what "epic" SHOULD be. You need to have 20s across the board IVs at minimum and then your 1 or 2 "Main Stats" Need to be 31 or very close to 31 with the proper nature and ability. The Azumarill shown is a great example of what "epic" should be.


- Correct Ability (Huge Power for Azumarill, check)

- Correct Nature (Adamant, check)

- All IVs above 20 (check)

- IV of the "Main Stat" (In the case of Azumarill Attack) nearly 31 (check)


If these 4 things check out it most certainly in my eyes is "epic". Too many people are just throwing the word around trying to sell their pokemon. Don't get me wrong a lot of the people trying to sell them mean well and they are selling/trading very good pokemon, but they aren't "epic".


That's just my opinion on the issue.

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I will agree with what has been said with a slight difference : epic in my opinion, is optimized for PvP, and not necesserarily 20+ everywhere. For exemple, i don't care if my azumarill got 25 in spatk, or if my milotic got 31 in atk. You can take Piwali definition as a reminder of what you should have when selling supposed epic pvp, but you can still think by yourself about what you're selling. Some stats are mostly useless for some poke (i'm not talking about defensive stats that are always useful no matter what), and a poke can be godlike in pvp even if half his stats are below 20.


Second exemple, i got 2 slowbros : one is "semi-epic" by your standards, having 22+ in every stat, is bold and has oblivious (i know regenerator is better, but oblivious is very good in this meta as well, in fact, all of slowbros abilities are good for pvp). I got a second bold/oblivious one that got 3 atk, 31 def, 9 speed, 15 spatk, 29 spedef and 30 hp. Believe it or not, i prefer by far the second one who fits his role in my composition way better, and I will not hesitate to call him "epic" if i ever want to sell it. I know my point of view is very close to Piwali's, but i wanted to make this precision. I've seen a lot of people just look at nature, look if every IV seem 20+ without thinking about what pokemon they are looking at and which role it is supposed to fit. A lot of people qualified my slowbro of "trash" at first, because 2 IV's are below 10, even if one of them is useful in 1 game out of 100 and the other will never be used. (actually since confusion dmg scale on atk, on non confusion immuned poke that are using spatk you want the lowest atk possible...)

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