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Hi, I'm Khalaker and I'm a newby on PRO. I love the games of Pokemon. I played almost all games of Pokemon but it is different to the other games because it is almost all regions of Pokemon. I have one doubt. What is the first Pokemon you pick? I ask this because I want capture the 3 starters. I always pick Charmander and I think i will to pick Charmander here too, but I want know your opinion. Can I pick Pikachu? There is a pokeball with a yellow ray in the Oak's laboratory.


Well, thanks all and be indulgent with my english. I'm from Spain and you know Spain have a low level of english generally. I will learn a lot english here with you guys.



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Yes, you can pick pikachu. If you scan all 3 starters and reject them, you can grab the pikachu ball instead. But why? Pikachu is avg at best, and especially early, finding good team pokes for gym leads is hard...

[glow=red]Death comes for us all Oruku Saki. But something much worse comes for you. For when you die, it will be....Without Honor...[/glow]

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Hi and welcome in game (don't worry your english is fine ^^)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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