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Chat UI improvements


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I'll get to the point, here are a few suggestions I believe could improve the chat system:


- The channel list that you get when clicking on the wrench should display all channels available, instead of just those you've joined.

- Change the "X" button to one that allows you to either join or leave a channel, instead of only leaving.

- A new player, when first logging into the game, instead of having 6 channels automatically joined should see only one special channel with explanations on how to use the chat system in it. For example, it would display this message: "Welcome to Pokémon Revolution Online! To join a channel, click the wrench on the bottom right of this chat box or type /cgjoin <ChannelName> directly in the chat. Please keep in mind that all channels are English-only aside from the language-specific channels, such as "France"."

- (Probably not very useful yet) A way to customize chat tabs so you can see multiple channels in a single tab (not counting the current "Local" tab). You create a tab, then a window opens allowing you to name the tab, and pick which channels to display in it. Of course, that would need to come with new chat commands, such as /h to talk in the "Help" channel, /a to talk in the "All" channel etc.


Now I'm guessing improvements to the chat might already be planned and you surely have other priorities, but the current state of the chat, with people speaking in languages other than English constantly (mostly French), made me think that I might as well make this thread.

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