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i would buy s growlithe for 200k

poliwag 50k

caterpie 30k

watchog 70k

dustx 100k

dodrio 70k

walrein 500k

glalie xmas 300k

slowking 80k

slowbro 70k

skitty xmas 600k

dedenne xmas 1m

sandslash 70k

ursaring 70k

crobat 70k

tangela 100k

golbat 50k

machoke 50k

graveler 50k

bronzor 200k

zubat 30k

haunter 50k

tentacruel 70k

magikarp 30k

golbat 50k

clefairy 200k

gyarados 50k

slowpoke 30k

metapod 30k

ledian 50k

kakuna 100k

caterpie 30k

seel 50k

spinarak 50k

krabby 40k

voltorb 30k

weedle 30k

quagsire 50k

charmander clone timid 100k

charmander clone blaze 70k

charmander clone sassy 70k

squirtle clone hasty 70k

squirtle clone hasty 8 speed 70k

squirtle clone bold 100k

bulbasaur clone modest 100k

bulbasaur clone rash 100k

linoone 50k

weepinbell 100k

wingull timid 50k

rattata 30k

noctowl 50k

grimer 50k

venonat 70k

machamp 100k

geodude 50k

bellsprout 50k

cherubi 70k

rattata hardy 20k

doduo 50k

hoppip 100k

doduo naive 50k

grimer timid 50k

poochyena 100k

rattata naugthy 30k

poliwag naive 50k

jumpluff 100k

weedle relaxed 30k

pidgey 30k

wooper bashful 30k

dugtrio pink 150k

walrein bashful 450k

weedle lonely 40k

tangrowth 200k

drowzee 50k

gloom pink relaxed 100k

oddish relaxed 50k

primeape pink adamant 200k

oddish pink 100k

arbok 70k

Hariyama 200k

vileplume pink 100k

makuita 170k

dugtrio 70k

weedle pink 100k

psyduck 70k

jigglypuff 70k

hoothott 30k

nidoqueen 90k

nidoking 90k

nidorina 70k

pidgeot pink 100k

nidoran f 50k

ledyba 50k

zigzagoon 50k

doduo pink 100k

diglett 150k

exploud 300k

aerodactyl 600k

steelix 150k

whismur 250k

growlithe 300k

wingull serious 50k

golbat mild 50k

bellsprout careful 50k

teddiursa 50k

caterpie bold 40k

persian 70k

parasect 100k

paras 70k

swinub 30k

horsea 100k

mankey pink 130k

gastly 30k

venomoth 100k

ekans 50k

tentacool serious 50k

caterpie bashful 30k

diglett +18 bold 100k

mareep 100k

nidoran F valentine 70k

koffing sold image 122

alakazam 700k

exeggute 300k

magnemite 50k

magneton 70k

magnezone 100k

wigglytuff 150k

rhyhorn pink 500k

weedle timid 30k

rhydon pink 550k

metapod pink 130k

krabby pink 100k

raticate pink 100k

kakuna pink 130k

kingler 130k

mankey quiet 50k

caterpie +16 adamant pink 120k

weedle careful pink 100k

kingdra 150k

roselia 500k

pidgeotto pink 130k

rattata pink 100k

onix 200k

bellossom pink 150k

bellossom 100k

victreebel 130k

pidgey 40k good ivs

stantler xmas 70k

ampharos 150k

swinub hardy 30k

slugma 100k

venomoth adamant 100k

magcargo 130k

farfetch xmas 300k

froslass xmas 350k

rattata pink bold 100k

teddiursa xmas 50k

mareep timid 140k

delibird 50k

rattata sassy 30k

delibird timid 50k

exeggcute pink 250k

mareep xmas plus 70k

mareep xmas timid 06 50k

mareep xmas timid 16 70k

victreebel pink modets 200k

mareep xmas 50k quirkly

weepinbell pink bold 150k

ninetales 500k

dodrio pink 130k

rhyperior shiny 500k

beedrill 150k

nidoran f pink adamant 600k

rhydon shiny 450k

piloswine 50k

beautifly 100k

caterpie careful 40k

voltorb hady 50k

nidoran male pink modest 600k

chatot 1m

nidoran male valentine 70k

girafarig 200k

pikachu xmas 400k

patrat 50k

poochyena quiet 200k

skuntank 600k

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