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I found a nice and beautifull bug....i have my natu as first in my party to sync a pikachu with timid and scyther second in the party,so i encounter a pikachuu hit him twice with confuse rey and they try to swich pokes..to brind out scyther for false swipe butttt,look what happened and same thing with rattata


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I found a nice and beautifull bug....i have my natu as first in my party to sync a pikachu with timid and scyther second in the party,so i encounter a pikachuu hit him twice with confuse rey and they try to swich pokes..to brind out scyther for false swipe butttt,look what happened and same thing with rattata


Hey there! I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the late response.

Could you try to do a clean installation of the game? This means deleting and cleaning all previous records of the game in the PC and downloading it new.

Let me know if the problem still persists.


Deep Regards.

- Aghanim.

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