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Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Kabuto Chansey etc


<r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s>
</s><POST content="93464"><s></s>93464<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s>
</s><POST content="91463"><s></s>91463<e></e></POST> 120k for insta cloyster :3<e>

hey. sorry i completely forgot bout cloyster until someone recently made a bid on it. i was wondering if ur still interested?<e>


Sorry but i have a better one now, :3<br/>

Good luck on selling bro :) <E>:Heart:</E><e>



Lol i see my bad sorry and thanks tc</r>





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Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Kabuto Chansey etc


<r><QUOTE author="bonbon"><s>

</s><POST content="93360"><s></s>93360<e></e></POST> 100k cloyzter and 30k wynaut<e>


Buyer got a better cloyster cos i took too long to deliver. U interested in being bo for cloyster?</r>





Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Kabuto Chansey etc


<r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s>

</s><POST content="93506"><s></s>93506<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="bonbon"><s>
</s><POST content="93360"><s></s>93360<e></e></POST> 100k cloyzter and 30k wynaut<e>


Buyer got a better cloyster cos i took too long to deliver. U interested in being bo for cloyster?<e>


yeah add me bonbon in game</r>

Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Kabuto Chansey etc


<r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>

</s>When can we trade clefable?<e>


im actually lfm. 150k and u can take it now?</r>





Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Kabuto Chansey etc


<r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s>

</s><POST content="94010"><s></s>94010<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>
</s>When can we trade clefable?<e>


im actually lfm. 150k and u can take it now?<e>



jus checked again and saw it was an auction so its urs for 110k sorry my bad lol. ill be online soon jus having trouble logging in atm and then we can make the trade</r>





Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon


<r><QUOTE author="Ronaldo37110"><s>

</s><POST content="94031"><s></s>94031<e></e></POST> For swablu u start auction for which price?<e>


i dont really want to start an auction for swablu because there seems to be no interest atm. id like an insta of 300k or bo 250k 24hrs. up to u but i wont sell it lower than that</r>





Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon


<r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s>

</s><POST content="94028"><s></s>94028<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s>
</s><POST content="94010"><s></s>94010<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>
</s>When can we trade clefable?<e>


im actually lfm. 150k and u can take it now?<e>



jus checked again and saw it was an auction so its urs for 110k sorry my bad lol. ill be online soon jus having trouble logging in atm and then we can make the trade<e>


you can have 120k, dont mind, im logging now so see you ingame?</r>

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



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