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Boss Brock Bug


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Hello, i dragged out Aerodactyl with Dragon Tail. Terrakion switched in and i beat him. Then Aerodactyl switch in again and dies too Rough Skin or Rocky Helmet and my Garchomp dies too. And from now on, Brock is brocken. Because he dosent switch another Pokemon in. I go on with Pelipper. Every time i use a skill, the Message "Aerodactyl fainted" come and Brock next Poke dies instantly. Im still able do continue with Skills and can switch my Pokemon. So i dont disconnect and the Server dont crash. I have 2 Screens. Look at the Poketime. I waited a little bit and changed my Pelipper for Kingdra. The only way i can get out of fight was to relog and of course i lost the fight and the cooldown starts again. Thats really annoying.



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