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Warrior Dojo

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Hey warriors. I have been planning to host this dojo some time ago, and I think it's about time to make it happen. I know a lot of you tried to ladder with sun teams and ended up being frustrated. Laddering with a team that is not supported by the game and hard countered by the meta is not easy, but it is for sure respectable. The time when I started playing sun teams it was something new in PRO, people wouldn't know what to do against a Victreebel. It was easy for me be creative and master it. Nowadays, if you don't know how to play sun and try it you will want to eat a hamster alive. This is why I want to host this dojo. We will train and prepare you to ladder with sun teams!


How does the Dojo work?

We have 4 mentors for now, including me. The mentors are the ones who will prepare you. You will have to battle them. Only a Champion (someone who won at least one of my tournaments) can be a mentor. If you don't have the Champion role and want to be a mentor you will need to provide me an evidence that you ended up in the ladder recently and battle me. If you are a Champion and wants to be a Challenger instead of a Mentor, you can just sign up as a Challenger.

The Challengers will have to build sun teams in Showdown (you can build as many teams as you like) and you will have to battle every mentor at least once. The mentors will build meta teams that counter sun teams. So make sure to have a good strategy to counter sun counters.

Mentors will give you tips in the end of the battle. They will tell you what you did good, what you did bad and how to improve. In the end of the month they will vote who was the best Challenger.

If you struggle to build a team, you can ask me or any other mentor you feel comfortable with to help. I will not tell you what pokemon to use, but what are the important roles to have.

There's also a cooldown to battle Mentors. You can battle each mentor once every two weeks. If you wish to battle them again before the cooldown, you can ask them but they don't have to if they don't want to.


Are there rewards?

This is a dojo, so don't expect big rewards. The biggest reward is knowledge and experience. You also get 10 honor points for each Mentor you battle. If you beat all the mentors you will get the Sun Master role and a pokemon of your choice in the Warrior Shop (Sun Teams tab). The best challenger (voted by the mentors in the end of the month) will get 100 honor points and a sun pokemon from the Warrior Shop).

If you beat a mentor you can request a Reverse battle. In that case you would use a meta team that counters sun and they will use a sun team. You get 50 honor points if you win as well as the mentor if they win.


Mentors will get 20 honor points for each battle against a challenger. Challengers will also have to vote for the best Mentor (don't vote me, cause I don't wanna be the jerk giving rewards to myself). The best Mentor will get 80 honor points and 1 coin capsule (only for this month). The next months it will be only honor points.


When does it start and end?

Dojo will start now. Yea, you can already tag @mentor in the #dojo-chat and request a battle. Wait for a mentor to be available for you. You have the whole month, so relax. If a mentor refuse to battle you until the end of the month for whatever reason, just report it to me in DMs and I will deal with it. I see everything.

The dojo won't end. It will be there forever for you to practice, but the rewards are given every month. Every month you will have to vote for the best mentor as the mentors will vote for the best challenger.

Best mentor reward is a coin capsule only for THIS month. The next months it will be 100 honor points and any pokemon from the warrior shop.


How to sign up?

There's no sign up. If you have the Sun Warrior role you have access to #dojo-chat channel. You just need to tag a mentor and battle!

If you don't have the role you have to apply for it. Read #apply-for-sun-warrior channel.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, it is probably because you are not in my discord. Click here to join.


If you have any questions, use the #dojo-chat!

Edited by Belzebel
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