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Hi everyone, I just entered the game yesterday, and now I'm introducing me! I'm Morde, from Spain (that's why my English can be bad sometimes), I'm 17 and playing Pokemon since I was two. I came here because of a classmate who discovered the game before me, and I must say that I love it


Apart from that, I'm an amateur writer, Mario Kart DS player and I have a really crazy mind. And I don't know what more I should say... I hope I enjoy even more this game and meet people around here :Grin:


PS: Un saludo a la armada española aquí presente aunque no conozca a nadie (?)

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Hi and welcome in Pro ^^


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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