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First of all, I know this is a Beta and all that, but I would really like to know if you (the staff and developers) have any intencion of improve the servers?


When I started to play this game (arround 1.5 years more or less) the server crashed sometimes; not even everyday. Now the server crashes several times in one day, and it's really annoying to play like this.


I know this is a Beta game and I'm not complaining about anything, I apreciate your work, but I want to know if you are going to do something with this or not cause playing like this it's imposible. I haven't play in a week more or less, I opened the game, and in 10 mins server crashed.


Although I really like this game, I preffer quit playing it if this server crash problem is going to persist, cause is really frustrating playing like this.


Thank you for your attention.


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