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help. friend of mine lent me his swiper so i can hunt good poke's. but now its bugged and i cant remove it from PC so i can use it. pls help


Greetings, kensuushii.


I would like to inform you that since you have not completed Hoenn region on your account, the Haxorus (which was caught in Hoenn) will be locked into your PC until you manage to reach Hoenn region, to trade it back. In the past, PRO Staff would offer a reverse in such trades with region-locked Pokemon, but unfortunately we do not do so anymore for various reasons.


So, the only way you can use this Haxorus or to trade it back to its original owner is to enter Hoenn region. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I hope you understand. If the Haxorus is stuck (based on what I can see from the attachments) between your party and PC, make sure to restart your client to fix it. Have a good day!

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