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user already login in and can't to connect to server



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PRO Username: speedlight

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I do not speak very good English


I logged every day as I was in search of a Chinchou pokemon more precisely and making my roundtrip I attempt to flee but no reponce so I disconnect urgently.


Moreover, I found the same bug has many islands to place Ecumes I have disconnected me urgently then by the time I had a little trouble me move.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

yes I already try to solve the problem by many test without success.


in most of my connection is the game made me wait and mark me

"Can not connect to this server" or after a long queue "User already logged in " despite numerous tantative it impossible to connect


Et je suis un utilisateur windows 7 mon ordi marche bien est na pas de dificulté a faire tourné le jeu cependant il digére mal les lag et bug this game .


thank you in advance and please help me to solve this problem


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