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Suggestions To Improve Some Stuff & Many More


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I Dont Know Where To Start ... Ok Start From Past Events And Some Other Stuff...


Pro Released Many Events ... Some Are Participate Some Are Missed Those Events. Due to Different Reasons Many Players Dont Have Wings Like Girtinia and Articuna and Some Legendary Pokemons Like Darkrai many more ...

There Are More Suggestion To Suggest But I Mention Most Important Ones

  1. Why Dont u Add that Darkrai Back To Game Obtain Via Some Kind Of Side Quest Or Some Other Way
  2. [About PVP Shop ] ---> Try To Reduce The Price in PVP Shop Stuff Like ( Mounts,Cosmetics And Other Things) "Atleast Some Time Like Sale Offer In PVP Shop "
  3. [About PVE Shop ] ----> Nothing To Say About This Much Becoz It Dont Have Good Items lIke PVP Shop Always Outdated Stuff Old items old Clothes Etc .. Plz Update PVE Shop Atleast Every 30Days .. And Add Items Like Choice band , Scarf , Specs , orbs Etc And Add Some Kind Of Rare Mounts Like "Oh-ho And Lugia Mounts" and Clothes . Why Dont You Guys Add Girtinia and Articuna Wings In PvE Shop And Many Other Old And Missed Stuff Like Party Hats , Santa Dress many More In PVE Shop
  4. .I Observing From Allot Of Days Syncs Pokemons Not Working Properly Like Before In Excavation Sites Normal Is 50% Chance But now it like 25 to 30% Sync Work Chance In Excavation sites.

5. Decrease The Travelling Pass Cost And Other Pass Costs Might Help Players .

6. About PVP Ladder And Other Things ... Many Players Participate In ladder But only 25 Members Got Places . Think About Who Got 26th Place Not Even Get 1 coin and Rewards This Is Not Fair ... Change This Ladder And Make it Fair And Update PVP Things And Many More ..

7. I Recently Observe Many Things When Released New Events Or Other Stuff Servers Keep Crashing .. After Event Complete Or There Is No Event On That Month Servers Not Crashing Much And Works Normally

8. Why Dont You Guys Add Spectating Mode For Watching PvP Battles And Other Things like Boss Battle Etc

9. I Recently Observe New Updated Bosses Like Bugsy Other Boss Pokemons Had More Chances In Crit Hits .. I Use Snorlax in boss 3 Amenisa + 6 Curses Get One Crit hit HeraCross Like This Many Times Faces Crit hits From Bosses ... I Think Its Some Kind Of bug Before .. Still Thinking About It

10. battle Tower Is Boring Always Same Rooms Same Boss Only 25 PVE coins ... Why Dont u Add Some Other Rewards Like 3rd Time Reward From Battle Tower ,5th Time Reward Etc

11. Add Some Kind Of Lottery For Every Login Day or May be Daily rewards To Motivate Players .. keep 10k , 50k , 5rc ,10rc some kind of berrys , focus sashes random items and stuff

12. Bug catching contest .. When i go to bcc if i get reconnect it takes me forcely to pokecenter or Contest Judge without catching single poke how can i support something to judge and if any problem logout my game takes me forcely to judge place Still i had time it takes near to judge ... Fix this As soon As Possible


Tqs Allot . I Hope U Guys Might Help Some Of These Suggestions ...

Edited by PRAVEEN00
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I definitely agree with the daily log in bonus, gives people the incentive to log in more frequently.

Elder scrolls online has this feature, where after the 7th/14th/21st consecutive login within the same month the player receives an added bonus as well as the daily log in bonus.


Your other suggestions such as making darkrai a common occurrence and wings I disagree with since the players of that time earned those unique rewards. It will be similar when we, the current players earn a unique reward now and the people in a month or years time will have the same idea as you to steal our uniqueness if you may.

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