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Hello everyone, I'm TW1ST3D aka TW1ST3D4NG3L aka Twizz aka Twist, lol! :Grin:


I'm sure none of you know me although you may have seen me in chat a few times. I tend to be a shy/timid person but I love to talk, and I love people. I started playing pokemon since gen 1 in 1998, and I have played, and worked as a spriter for two of the first pokemon mmo's ever created that I won't name, but are surely dead and gone by now ((That was going on seven years ago now.)), and played another one for a brief period of time before it shut down ((I think that one only lasted about three months...)). This is my first pokemon game since I stopped playing in 2011 after dropping out of high-school.


The one thing I can say that I had in common that every pokemon mmo I was involved in, whether it be just playing or spriting, was that I was part of Team Rocket, because of that and the fact that and the fact I know there is already a guild here based on TR, and have an ambition to figure out how to join it. ((Even if you guys don't know it yet, I will join you someday. :P)) I am, was, and always will be loyally devoted to TR despite who runs it and what form it is in.


I also have an ambition to become a pvp contender after I get all sixteen badges and find worthy candidates for my ideal team.((Just a forewarning. :devil:))


I guess with that said you guys probably know that despite being new, I've been around the block a few times, and already know what to do as far as pvp pokemon hunting, ev training, the dos and don'ts of trading on an open player-based market, what all the items do, what natures/movesets work the best on which pokemon, those type of things.


I guess with that said everything else I think you guys need to know is this:


I'm 23 years old and a graphic designer. My favorite pokemon are Wailmer/Wailord and Porygon/2/Z. I don't follow the pokemon anime, nor do I respect it as any sort of canon, my prespective of pokemon is base on the Pokemon Adventures manga only. and I like helping people, answering questions, and giving advice to those who are less familiar with pokemon games than I am.



I just figured I'd hop in and tell you all who I am, instead of lurking around for the last month like I have been. Like I said, I'm kind of timid, and it takes me a lot to come out of my shell... Probably why it took me so long to get around to posting this. Have a great day everyone, and happy hunting/training. :) :Grin:


I also love Team Rocket a TON <3 (so much that I just started this game a few days ago and already forked up cash for the outfit aaa)

I used to have a team rocket outfit on every online fan Pokemon game I've ever been on as well :P

Soo remember playing them all the way back when I was in middle school.. now I'm in a college and wow time flies by haha




You're also lucky that you can sprite art, I wish I could lol

Anyways, when we both get good teams for pvp let's battle sometime >:]

Haha, I also bought a TR outfit almost as soon as I joined and I would be happy to pvp with you someday. :Grin: Spriting was something I learn to do as far back as... gah... it had to be around 2003 or 2004, so I've been doing it for twelve or thirteen years. Makes me feel old a little bit. :/

Oi Twist and welcome in game, if you want to pvp one day ask and i'll add ya :p


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



I'll battle you someday, mapplle. :P It'd probably would be a good idea to make sure you have some ev trained pokemon beforehand though. My raichu and houndour tend to be extremely op compared to where I am in the games' story line. I'll add anyone that wants to add me though, for sure. :Grin:

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