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"4. When a deal has been agreed upon, by both parties, you can not go back on it. A deal is done once both price and location of the trade are agreed upon, or an insta price is met"

>>Trade Rules<<


As stated in trade rules you can report him if you want to.

If that's the case, here you can do it

>>Report Center<<

"Because if there is something worth fighting for, it is life. Extinction is forever."


  Shivansh01 said:

And I have the as of the Pokemon stating price and all the chats too... Will that work?

A bit hard to udnerstand what you ahve or not, but to clarify

You must have screenshots\video as a proof of the chats between you too. if he agreed on a price and place and then cancled on you saying he has a better offer then yes.

Post the proofs on the Report center following the guidelines on how to report and a trade mod will make sure it will happend.

Good luck :)

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