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Hi guys i had the chance to play a bit yesterday and i wanted a mount so i went on the website and read this :


Your Membership Expires: Aug 23 2015, 11:42


Bonus 50% EXP!

Double Money Gained!

Access to Members Only Areas

Access to Members Only Pokemon!

Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts!


so i maked a donation and return in game but a had no new clothes, no mounts, and no coin to buy it, i was a bit upset at first then i went here to share my issues.


thanks you, from a guy who rly want to play your game.


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Notice "Accsess" Which means if you were not member, you couldnt buy/wear it, but now you can. But you don't get it for free, you need to buy it ingame. And i believe everyone is supposed to have 300coins, unless you already spent them.

Correct me if i'm wrong.


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@Blue is right, and besides that those features will be enabled at release.

Those 300 coins weren't given to donators only, those were given by shane at the last client update. We heard some players that never got those coins, but let me remind you this is testing phase, so all the progress/items/whatever the player has now(except the account) will be lost at release.


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