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Riolu rute 203 no catchable


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I'm looking for riolu with repel level 8 on route 203 a long time ago and they do not come out, I've already spent about 80 repel and not one. I have ms



Hello @Blessed ,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


I would like to inform you that there are no faults/errors with the repel trick for Riolu and that it works properly/as intended with the lowest level being needed is 5, please note membership must be active for Riolu to spawn.




Please understand that it is based on your luck and that means that there is no guarantee you will encounter your chosen Pokemon with a certain amount of repels.


Do keep in mind the Pokemon's rarity tier is high (tier 8 ), meaning it has a less likelihood of spawning as often as lower tiers.


For more information regarding repel tricks please take a look below.

Repel Trick Guide



If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask

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