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Sunkern Hunt

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Hello trainers.

It is a new season and I want to try out a new sun team strategy with trick room, but there's one pokemon missing to make it work.

Sunkern is the slowest sun abuser in the pokemon world with 30 speed base as Sunflora. It would be useless to use this pokemon as chlorophyll. However, it also has Solar Power ability which makes Sunflora reaches the maximum of 508.5 SpA in the sun. Imagine a pokemon with that amount of power and being faster than almost everything in trick room. That's why I want one and I need your help!



What is this Event about? What do I have to do?

- This event is about hunting Sunkern. That's basically all you have to do.

- You have no obligation to sell the Sunkern to me, but I would love to buy it if it is the one I'm looking for.

- You will be rewarded if you got the best Sunkern between the participants, even if you don't wanna sell it to me.

- You will also be rewarded for the worse Sunkern in the event. You deserve something for being so unlucky.

- The Sunkern must be your OT and the ID number must be over 36548662.

- This event is only for SILVER server.


What type of Sunkern do I need to submit to win?

- The nature must be Quiet. (+15 points)

- The ability must be Solar Power. (+15 points)

- It must be Hidden Power Fire (+15 points) or Ice (+10 points).

- Any other Nature, Ability or Hidden Power will give 0 points.

- I will sum all the IVs, except Atk.

- Speed will be counted reversely. If it is 31 speed, it will give 1 point. If it is 1 speed, it will give 31 points.

- Shiny will give you +15 points.


What about the reward?

- The owner of the BEST Sunkern will be rewarded with 200 Honor Points + 1x Coin Capsule + 1x pokemon from the Warrior Shop.

- Link to the Warrior Shop Silver: here

- The owner of the WORST Sunkern will be rewarded with 100 Honor Points + Sunflower Hat.

- All participants will receive 20 honor points.

Note: Sunkern is a Tier I pokemon. It is easy to farm. Don't expect 1m in reward. Be fair with me.


When does the event ends?

- The event will end whenever someone finds the Sunkern I'm looking for.


How much are you willing to pay for the Sunkern you are looking for?

- I will pay a fair price. Remember, it is a tier I pokemon. However, I do know that finding an epic Quiet, Solar Power and HP Fire Sunkern isn't easy.

- I might pay over the right price because I really want it, but won't be saying any numbers right now. Trust me, I will pay well.


How do I participate?

- Join Emfire discord by clicking here.

- Post a screenshot of your Sunkern in the channel #screen-shot under Sunkern Hunt category.

- The Sunkern must be your OT and the ID number should be over 36548662.

- If your Sunkern is HP Fire or Ice, post the evidence along the screenshot.

- Only ONE screenshot is allowed. Delete all the screenshots you don't want before the event ends and keep only one, otherwise you will be disqualified.

- If you have any question about the event, feel free to use the #event-chat channel in Emfire discord.


Good luck trainers!

Edited by Belzebel

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