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I accidentally chose the wrong main server while merging


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I chose the red server instead blue server.


Now I have only my pokemon and I'm missing badges, HM's and so on.


I read in FAQ that staff members can help me.

I never traded in silver.


Nickname: Vitao300

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I chose the red server instead blue server.


Now I have only my pokemon and I'm missing badges, HM's and so on.


I read in FAQ that staff members can help me.

I never traded in silver.


Nickname: Vitao300



Hi @vitao300


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


I would like to inform you that i have forwarded an unmerge request to our admin, please be patient as you wait to be unmerged.

Remember to not make any trades in your Silver account in the meantime as that will permanently remove the chance to become unmerged.

Please take note that there is not an estimated time for when your account will be unmerged as our admin may be busy.


Please, be patient while you wait to be unmerged and let me know if you have any further questions in the while.


Have a wonderful day!

Kind regards, Livana.

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