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HELP! cant swap 2 of my pokemon in my team


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Help!! i cant move my magicarp and ponyta around in my team, i also tried to put team in my storage box and even that is not working. they are like basicly stuck in the team but i can use them for battles


Hello @disNinja,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

This is an issue that can be caused by two things:

  • Due to the merge your Pokémon get re-ordered automatically and it may happen that, while you haven't finished the story part of your current region, some Pokémon gets stuck in your party and you can't move them until you finish the story of the current region.
  • A recent client had a bug where all Pokémon you caught may had a wrong region as caught region and so, if you were still completing the story of another region, those Pokémon would have been locked in your party until you would have finished the story of the current region.


You will now need to make a post over on the STUCK IN PARTY MEGATHREAD .


If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Kind regards, Livana.

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