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PRO Username: FelipePimentao

Do you have active membership?: No

Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


What have you done before the problem was there?

Started Playing.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?


Description and Message

I would like to know why cant I play on my android device using a S Pen and why can't I use my device as a wireless mouse and click into PRO interface and play using it?



Is the touch sensibility "too high" to be recognized by the softness of a (S)pen?

Did us walked with the client shoes (or played with the client fingers) when ourselves developed a mobile version?

Don't we know that PRO requires a lot from a mobile device and that means a conversion into heat that might "hurt" our players?


Hope I made myself clear.



Felipe M A Pimentel


PS.: To think myself, is a pleasure, as member of the Staff.

And a bigger one will be know whom can I chat about a server expansion.

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