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Server trade


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Sorry for that question, but I came back with my account when I had already closed the server switch time, and my friends are all silver now, I wonder if we have a new deadline so we can switch servers because it's too bad play alone :(

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Sorry for that question, but I came back with my account when I had already closed the server switch time, and my friends are all silver now, I wonder if we have a new deadline so we can switch servers because it's too bad play alone :(


Hello @iFlameFox


Unfortunately, the server transfer thread has closed as of ( 2nd of august, 00:00 GMT ). If you would like to transfer servers, you would have to wait until the Admins open the topic again.


For future reference, you can find the topic and the requirements here NAME CHANGE / ACCOUNT RESET / ACCOUNT TRANSFER


Please take note that, if the chance of the name change, account reset/transfer will be available again, there is not an estimated time for when it will happen.

You can keep an eye out in the #announcements of our PRO OFFICIAL DISCORD for further announcements.

However, in saying this, you are still able to use the same account on both servers, you just won't have the same ( Pokemon, money, items)


I hope this has answered your question.


Kind regards, Livana.

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