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[glow=red]Current Status[/glow]







Welcome everyone :Grin:

If you have too many Pokémon and you can't EV all of them at the same time, I can EV your Pokémon :Light:







Contact [glow=red]Karrasu[/glow] in game (if you are French you can speak French), if i'm disconnected, post here or contact [glow=red]Cobragon[/glow] in game.




I take 40k per Pokémon.




If you post your message here, take care of these rules:




Evolve: yes/no

Ev: 252x/252y/6z

Saved Moved: What Move

Date: 24h left/48h left/72h left...


I refuse these Pokémon:


- Happiny

- Chansey

- Blissey






- I don't give any items to allow the evolution.

- Payment made after the EV services.

- All the players who use this service must know that if they don’t realize the payment at the end of the service, the Pokémon will be kept in the PC until it payment is made. If i get no news of you 1 week after the training is complete, i will sell your Pokémon.



Feel free to ask me any further information on this thread or IG.


Thanks for your trust :Angel:

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99598 [glow=red]Current Status[/glow]







Welcome everyone :Grin:

If you have too many Pokémon and you can't EV all of them at the same time, I can EV your Pokémon :Light:







Contact [glow=red]Karrasu[/glow] in game (if you are French you can speak French), if i'm disconnected, post here or contact [glow=red]Cobragon[/glow] in game.




I take 40k per Pokémon.




If you post your message here, take care of these rules:




Evolve: yes/no

Ev: 252x/252y/6z

Saved Moved: What Move

Date: 24h left/48h left/72h left...


I refuse these Pokémon:


- Happiny

- Chansey

- Blissey






- I don't give any items to allow the evolution.

- Payment made after the EV services.

- All the players who use this service must know that if they don’t realize the payment at the end of the service, the Pokémon will be kept in the PC until it payment is made. If i get no news of you 1 week after the training is complete, i will sell your Pokémon.



Feel free to ask me any further information on this thread or IG.


Thanks for your trust :Angel:


If available pm me on game sir

99711 Yo

im the one who give you level 20 voltorb.. im banned like 4 days.. i will take my poke when this ban lifted

Ok don't worry :)


99689 Good luck with the service, but this should really be in the daycare shop section.

Thanks ans how can i transfer my topic in Daycare shop section ?


99633 I have some pokes to train add me ingame

I'm available give me your IGN or mp Karrasu please.

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