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Piloswine got Bugged


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PRO Username: Furtad0

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Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

My problem is that when i learned the ability acient power move my piloswine dosent evolve, hes at lvl 100 now, i tryed to evolve him at 96 to 97, before using 3 candys, adamant, snow cloak, and full EV trained.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Have already tryed going to a movie tutor and forgeting the ancient power move, and learning it again, also dosent work, please help me!


Description and Message

My problem is when i tryed to evolve my piloswine dosent work, and now hes bugged, at lv 100, fully ev traiend, nice stats, nature and ability, please help me, i invested many time and money in this pokemon!

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learn ancient power on piloswine,go to a battle against a pokemon with piloswine as 1st in party-win and after it,a message of evolve should be appearing.

i am not sure if it will work since you leveled him to lvl 100,but still hope it will work my friend :)

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