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Pvp Motivation/Save PVP / Make Ladder great again


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Hey, right now i find regular season soooooooo boring because most ladder player wont actually pvp until the end of every season. This makes "regular" season of pvp incredible boring for me because it's rly hard to actualy find good player and have fun games ( sorry if it sound elitist but thats how it is). This honestly kills the motivation and joy to actually pvp for me cause 1. grinding dosn'tmatter cause you gain like +3, while during the end of season you can catch up easily anyway. 2. well high quantity of low quality games. 3. Basically becomes a chore against newer pvper while occasionally losing due to rng, which make pvp feel stale and unfun.

Possible solution/suggestion is to shift the pvp reward from end of season to the whole season. There can still be a end of season reward but take from it and give to the rest of the season as well, this way it wont be about who gets the best rng during the final hour. For example right now we gets pvp coins 700-5*x depending on standing, why not make it that every day you get a x amount of pvp points/ or other kind of reward depend on your standing? This gives "ladder" players motivation to actualy play during regular season and also gives people who are on ladder during most of the season some kind of reward.

IDk if my solution can work or not and are open to other suggestion, my goal is to give incentive to players that only come back to play during the final day/give incentive to player who actually are active with pvp through out the whole season and not just get robbed by players that tune in during final day of the exam, ace everything, take the money and leave :P

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