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raikou disappeared from the cave that i was suppost to catch his data dex. help-me please!

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guys, i was going to Mt. Silver to battle red and gain access to trainers valley, to my surprise, this route is part of the legendary dog quest. well, I found the raikou within this route at boss red, but accidentally left the cave and when i came back the dog was no longer there. Now I want to do their quest and it is no longer there, how do i get the raikou dex date so i can do the quest now?

guys, i was going to Mt. Silver to battle red and gain access to trainers valley, to my surprise, this route is part of the legendary dog quest. well, I found the raikou within this route at boss red, but accidentally left the cave and when i came back the dog was no longer there. Now I want to do their quest and it is no longer there, how do i get the raikou dex date so i can do the quest now?


Hello @berecita,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.


I have gone through our tools and can see you have the seen dex data for all 3 legendary dogs, you should be able to proceed with the legendary dogs quest.

For a guide on how to catch them, please take a look at the link below.

Legendary Mega-thread


I hope this has helped, if you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.


Have a lovely day.

Kind regards, Livana.

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