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Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [Re-Opened 4 Epics]


<r><QUOTE author="sabrilemarocain"><s>

</s><POST content="144501"><s></s>144501<e></e></POST> 500k for chandelure<e>


Thanks for the offer, but I cant accept this as the starting bid. Sorry</r>

Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [Re-Opened 4 Epics]


<r><QUOTE author="sabrilemarocain"><s>

</s><POST content="144939"><s></s>144939<e></e></POST> you want 800k insta for it ? i cant offer more then that because i'm pretty sure you bough that litwick last week for 270k and it got 8 spdef<e>


I can accept this as an insta. I will be trying to contact you in game. Thanks.<br/>


P.S I didn't buy it as a litwick last week.</r>

Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [Re-Opened 4 Epics]


<r><QUOTE author="gokhan07015"><s>

</s><POST content="145175"><s></s>145175<e></e></POST> 1,6m for venusaur..<e>


Thanks for Offer, 24hr clock started <E>:Smile:</E></r>

Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [Auction H.A Venusaur]


<r><QUOTE author="Sup3r"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="sabrilemarocain"><s>
</s><POST content="144939"><s></s>144939<e></e></POST> you want 800k insta for it ? i cant offer more then that because i'm pretty sure you bough that litwick last week for 270k and it got 8 spdef<e>


I can accept this as an insta. I will be trying to contact you in game. Thanks.<br/>


P.S I didn't buy it as a litwick last week.<e>


ok thanks you see you in the game and sorry for that because i saw a very similar one sold last week ^^'</r>

Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [Auction H.A Venusaur]


<r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s>

</s><POST content="145347"><s></s>145347<e></e></POST> nice shop m8<e>


Thanks Bro!<br/>


Auction for Venusuar Ends - 11:53pm forumz time</r>

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