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Hi there, My name is Petar... I've been Pokemon enthusiast for a long time, Played FireRed and Emerald on my phone and simply fell in love with the concept of the game and its story.

I stumbled upon various Pokemon MMO's a week ago but I stuck and will stick with this one as I noticed the artistic nature and amount of effort people are putting in this game...

The love to not only project what's already been done, but extend the Pokemon games we all know and love.

My favourite region is Kanto and my fav starter is Charmander. The best thing that happened to me here so far, apart from Easter eggs and all new stuff i've seen is my two shinies, Zubat and Sandshrew, now Golbat and Sandslash. The only thing I'm missing here is the chill down my spine, Lavender theme successfully delivered many times.And maybe Flying...Now, before i get carried away, Let's end it here. :Crazy:


Ingame name is Pscorleone, So if you're a friendly traveller and trainer, feel free to contact me so we can chat about some general stuff like, "Uhhhhh Guess what i just caught!" See ya!

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Hi Petar and welcome in game ^^


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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