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my name is SchattenDialga (you can call me Dialga) and I´m the owner of the DarkFuture-ArtShop.

The name comes from my guild DarkFuture and I feel very connected to it. Hence the name.


After some requests that I could not accept, I got the idea of an expansion.


To work together, i created the DarkFuture-ArtShop Discord-Server.

This is also connected with a few rules!






Do you still want to be part of the ArtShop team?

Then please answer the following questions!





1. What is your InGame name?

2. On which server are you active?

3. Do you already have experience in media design?
3.1 Did you specialize in something? (answering only if you have some experience)
3.2 Please add some of your work. (answering only if you have some experience)

4. Why do you want to become part of the team?





You can contact me here, in the DarkFuture-ArtShop, InGame and on Discord.


InGame name: SchattenDialga

Discord-Tag: SchattenDialga#2302



Thank you for your attention,

I hope I'll hear from you soon.



sincerely regards

Edited by SchattenTobutz
  • 2 weeks later...

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