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Refund Jet Ski


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I have come back to this game after around 2 years. I realized my jet ski does not have a faster speed anymore.

After googling, I came upon this thread: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/113351-url/?do=findComment&comment=631738

However, the NPC for refunding does not seem to be available at the moment.

Is there anyway I can get a refund from my jet ski, since it does not fulfill its role anymore? I already own a Lapras mount as well, so I don't really see a purpose in keeping the jet ski, I'd rather get other cosmetics, since I already purchased all TM/HM items...


Thank you!


EDIT: Since I got no answer, I actually managed to trade it in game for other mounts. Thanks!

Edited by bacheleren
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