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Welcome to my auction, here are some pokes that needs to be sold.

Feel free to make offers too, here or via pms ingame.



Auctions (24hr after start)


Eevee (good umbreon) SOLD

c.o 200k by Xanthinarose, auction will end at 6:30:00 pm PST 08/01/2020




s.o 150k

min. bid 25k

insta 500k


Larvitar (Adamant) SOLD

c.o 100k by kaiswordholder, auction will end at 12:30:00 am PST, 08/01/2020




s.o 100k

min. bid 25k

insta 400k



Treecko (timid hp ice)



s.o 150k

min. bid 50k

insta 500k


Thank you for visiting!

*ps. new to forums shops, hopefully i followed the rules correctly but happy to recieve advice.

Edited by PotatoBiscuit
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