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Poke fainted at battle start


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Hi! I started a battle with Lorelei and my poke (Dusclops) fainted as soon as the battle started. Neither Ninetales or Dusclops used a move, you can check Dusclops' pps in the first screenshot.


You can also see in the second screenshot that if I try to use a move and then the opposite poke (Gligar) faints mine (Na before, the pps of that move (Peck) still decreases (which I think it's also a bug). You can check this last bug yourselves by battling against a faster poke that can 1HKO your poke.


Regarding the first bug, I'd appreciate it if I can fight Lorelei again without having to wait for the cooldown to end.



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I think the first bug happens if I have previously logged out in the middle of a battle, when the opposite poke has fainted mine, before the hp bar decreases completely. I don't know if my explanation is clear enough, but I've just reencountered the bug and I think it was due to what I described above. I logged out after the opposite poke made the final hit but before the hp goes to zero. Next battle after this, my poke fainted as soon as the battle started.

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