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Ban/mute reports private section for staff?


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Allow me to rephrase myself, 100% sure that something like that exists already and its not on public view/display. Meaning your suggestion is already in just hidden only to be viewed by staff members.

Key Word : Staff Members.



If it is then that's Good 2 hear. = )

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Without going into too much detail I'll try to share as little as I can to this suggestion. Our report system is pretty fluid again this is something that takes place outside of public view. Our mods generally have more power than mods from other games they are able to mute,kick,ban and other things and everything gets noted. As Neltharion stated just because you don't see the private forums does not mean they are not there. Our means of communication with one another is top notch in this regard.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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