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My opinion about the update


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Hi there first of all i know that you are trying your best to improve the game and fix it's problems, but tbh this update was more of a step backward for me, and i'd like to share what i think about it as a player.


-The good thing that i noticed was being able to use the screen rotaion on android which is really great


-But we also got a dpad which really make moving and farming limited and harder on phones ,i don't see any use of it it should be optional ,as maybe others would like it idk about tbem but for me i'd prefer if it was fixed on the screen with arrows to move than this current one or remove the dpad and bring back the old one.


Then the staffview which was the most annoying thing for me that happened in after this update, that feature existed since i started playing i have been using it especially on big maps which are many in pro a small example is breezy maps i can't get a good view of the map and as a result i keep getting in dead ends which take me much longer time to reach my destination and it's very annoying i have been using it on both pc and mobile and i never had a problem with it nor i heard anyone had so idk why did you remove it.

The current zoom is still too zoomed in i wish it was much more unzoomed but since that will annoy others maybe that would like it,but for the majority if players as i have seen many complaining didn't like it ,so why not give us zoom options ? Like 3 options of zoom in the settings a close,medium and a further zoom or just bring back staffview command you don't know how useful this command is for us

and thanks for reading ^_^

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