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ArchfndWeavile's Auction House and New PokeShop! Update! (7/20/20)

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Flygon 4 has been started by BingeDrinker! Auction ends in 48 hours!


“When people get hurt,

they learn to hate… When people hurt others,

they become hated and racked with guilt.

But knowing that pain allows people to be kind.

Pain allows people to grow…

And how you grow is up to you.” – Jiraiya

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Excadrill has been started! Auction ends in 48 hours! ccac0b8d6783d19a97e49caca653639f.png


“When people get hurt,

they learn to hate… When people hurt others,

they become hated and racked with guilt.

But knowing that pain allows people to be kind.

Pain allows people to grow…

And how you grow is up to you.” – Jiraiya

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Swarm Sciz has been Insta'd by AllSmell you can get it some other time I'm to tired to log on.


“When people get hurt,

they learn to hate… When people hurt others,

they become hated and racked with guilt.

But knowing that pain allows people to be kind.

Pain allows people to grow…

And how you grow is up to you.” – Jiraiya

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A bit late but BingeDrinker has won the Ada 30/31 Flygon! ed4414b96f4ee18e147d73c2d86c57e1.png

Edited by ArchfndWeavile


“When people get hurt,

they learn to hate… When people hurt others,

they become hated and racked with guilt.

But knowing that pain allows people to be kind.

Pain allows people to grow…

And how you grow is up to you.” – Jiraiya

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