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he wanted to leave a suggestion, well I don't know if it would be more viable in my thinking targeting all players, in short the idea would be to say a random mini event ,

weekly, monthly there would be for the staff see the best .

Mini events would be like a bonus a week or month would enter for example, increase in exp, increase in gain of pve / pvp coins, increase in chance like 20% of pokemon come hidden ability, increase in chance of meeting shiny, double of gain in evs training, finally something like that, well there are more things that could be included in this list but I don't remember the suggestion, just with the idea of improving the logical game .

There could also be a variation in some items like in the cash store nothing absurd like some cosmetic items for example to go on sale in this bonus with I don't know 20% discount something like that, also in pve / pvp coins stores the same thing some items enter the promotion more always doing a rotation

Just an idea trying to suggest something new, I don’t know if it’s more viable than if I think it would be cool for both old and new players, it would be cool for example if when a new player is going to start getting for example an increase bonus on exp , it would be great to be able to level up some levels in your pokemons to give sequence in the gym, and for example the more experienced players who hunt enough pokemons for pvp to have the chance to get an increase bonus in the% to come with their rare ability

And I think it would be bequeathed if these bonuses that would be in charge of the staff ve the% logic but would be bequeathed if they were cumulative like if the exp bunos are active it accumulates with the exp boost, if the increase bonus in the% of a pokemon comes with its rare ability is active to accumulate with black ms



It's more or less that guys I hope someone likes it and I don't know if it's viable in the game, good if you like it leave your comments and ideas too

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